Agenda item

Draft Bath Parking Strategy

The Bath Parking Strategy sets out Bath and North East Somerset Council’s approach to parking issues in Bath, providing a framework for managing car parking spaces for the period 2011 to 2026.



The Transportation Planning Manager gave a presentation to the Panel in relation to this item, a full copy of which is on the Panel’s Minute Book. A summary is set out below.




»  Improve quality of life

»  Reduce need to travel into city centre by car

»  Consistent with JLTP3, Sustainable Community Strategy, Core Strategy




»  Manage travel demand

»  Sustain and enhance the local economy

»  Provide a balance between good public transport and short stay parking


Parking Standards:


»  Local Plan Parking Standards

»  Development will only be permitted if an appropriate level of on-site servicing is provided having regard to:

»  Maximum parking standards

»  Proposed use

»  Environmental capacity

»  Accessibility by sustainable transport

»  Availability of parking nearby


Off Street Parking:


»  Long Stay – Park and Ride providing for future economic growth (4,000+) jobs in Bath City Riverside by 2026)

»  Medium/Short Stay – City Centre maintained at existing levels


Other issues considered:


»  Business permits

»  Disabled parking

»  Parking standards

»  Management and enforcement


He informed the Panel that the strategy sits within the Joint Local Transport Plan 3 (JLTP3) which the Council has adopted and that a progress report on the JLTP3 will be published on September 22nd. He added that he believed the public were changing their transport behaviour and that investment was being made to support cycling and public transport.


Councillor Malcolm Hanney commented that he felt the report was more a position statement and lacked any sense of a business plan. He also asked for it to be more explicit on the future of the Council car parks.


Councillor Douglas Nicol commented that the charges in relation to Park & Ride (£3) were quite high when compared with a vehicle carrying four people choosing to park in the city centre.


The Chairman asked if a car share scheme could be devised as incentive to encourage more people to use the Park & Ride.


The Transportation Planning Manager replied that that is being considered as part of the overall strategy to reduce the number of cars on the road.


Councillor Caroline Roberts asked if the Council monitors the number of vacant Disabled Parking spaces there are during the day.


The Transportation Planning Manager replied that yes, there is an intention to carry out such a study.


Councillor Neil Butters commented that he broadly welcomed the report and believed the strategy would evolve over time through discussions with First Group. He also wished to highlight the work of the Wellow Community Bus and called for rail electrification to be progressed, with the services to Oldfield Park and Keynsham in much need of improvement.


Councillor David Martin asked if the Council had plans to install any electric vehicle charging points.


The Transportation Planning Manager replied that a proposal had been included in a bid to the Sustainable Transport Fund.


Councillor David Martin asked if the Council had considered the possibility of introducing workplace parking charges.


The Transportation Planning Manager replied that the Council currently had no such plans, but said he was aware that both Bristol and Nottingham Council were considering that as an option to aid their future transport proposals.


Councillor Caroline Roberts commented that as the Park & Ride was primarily used by commuters she felt the pricing structure fairly reflected that and there was no real need to change it. She also asked for the current timescale of the strategy.


The Transportation Planning Manager replied that parking surveys were due to be carried in October / November 2011 and he therefore proposed to bring a further draft of the strategy to a subsequent meeting of the Panel.


The Chairman asked for the report to include information on a Park & Ride to the East of Bath, timescales of the strategy, survey results and content on how the modal shift will be made.


Councillor Malcolm Hanney asked for a comprehensive financial / business plan to also be within the report.


The Chairman asked for the report to be submitted in January.


The Panel RESOLVED to fully agree with this proposal.







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