Agenda item

Cabinet Member Update

The Cabinet Member will update the Select Committee on any relevant issues. Select Committee members may ask questions on the update provided.


Councillor Vic Pritchard, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care & Health addressed the Select Committee, a summary of his update is set out below.


Delivery of 24/7 Mental Health Liaison Service in the Royal United Hospital


He said that he was pleased to confirm that investment from both the CCG and, also, NHS England in a “twilight” service, extending until midnight, when AWP’s Intensive Team takes over provision until 8am, the Mental Health Liaison Service will operate on a 7-day a week, 24 hour basis.  This is a key service to ensure Parity of Esteem in the acute hospital and, also, the provision of 7-day services. The service also enhances partnership working between providers of health and care and other partner organisations, including the Police. This active management of the care pathway ensures that there are very low numbers of patients considered to be Delayed Transfers of Care in the RUH attributable to mental health needs.


Additional accommodation-based services for men and women with complex needs who are fleeing domestic abuse


In October we submitted a partnership bid to DCLG for £100k worth of funding to set up additional accommodation based services for women and men who have complex needs and are fleeing domestic abuse.  The Council will be working closely with Curo, DHI, Julian House and Next Link to set up the new service.  The funding will enable the establishment of 8 additional units of accommodation in Bath and North East Somerset and the employment of two part-time support workers who will act as a lead professional to help build resilience and support recovery and to link the clients in with existing services and activities where necessary. 


Between a minimum of 24 and a maximum of 32 victims and their families will be helped in the 8 new units of refuge accommodation.  The service will be able to support local clients with complex needs including clients known to Connecting Families Team and other high support services as well as those with larger families. 


Substance Misuse Services


A new PAD (Post Alcohol Detox) service - jointly designed by Solon Housing, DHI and SDAS (Specialist Drug and Alcohol Service) to support a gap in service for complex clients facing social exclusion as a result of combined problematic alcohol and housing issues - was launched on 25th November 2015. The 5-bed service is based in Rackfield House for clients who have already under-gone an alcohol detoxification and are vulnerable.  Therapeutic support is provided by DHI and SDAS to reduce the risk of relapse.  This innovative initiative has been achieved at no additional cost through collaborative working.  The service is already full and providers may explore the need for an additional woman-only house. 


He announced the possibility of there being a 2% precept within the Council Tax to provide funding for Adult Social Care.


Councillor Tim Ball commented that the PAD service was most welcome and that he hoped that it would be a long term service.


Councillor Pritchard replied that it was very much the intention for it to be an ongoing service.


Councillor Paul May said that he felt it was important how patients with dementia or mental health issues were dealt with when returning to a service they had previously used.


The Chair thanked Councillor Pritchard for his update on behalf of the Select Committee.