Agenda item

Site Visit List - Applications for Planning Permission Etc for Determination by the Committee


The Committee considered


·  The report of the Group Manager – Development Management on applications for planning permission etc.

·  An Update Report by the Group Manager on Items 1, 3 and 4, a copy of which is attached as Appendix 1 to these Minutes

·  Oral statements by members of the public etc. on Item No 1, a copy of the Speakers List being attached as Appendix 2 to these Minutes


RESOLVED that, in accordance with their delegated powers, the applications be determined as set out in the Decisions List attached as Appendix 3 to these Minutes


Item 1 No 1 Sydenham Terrace, Tyning Road, Combe Down, Bath – Erection of 1 three bed dwelling and single storey rear extension to existing house following demolition of single storey side extension and some outbuildings – The Case Officer reported on this application and her recommendation to grant permission subject to conditions. She referred to the Update Report which contained the Highways Officer’s comments on parking in the area.


The applicant’s agent made a statement in favour of the proposals.


Councillor Les Kew considered that it was a beneficial site visit and was a sensible application and good use of the space. Parking would always be a problem here as it was in any other area of the City. He therefore moved the Officer recommendation which was seconded by Councillor Eleanor Jackson who considered that it would be an improvement to the street scene and would enhance the Conservation Area and it was in a sustainable location. Councillor Paul Crossley disagreed and considered that it was overdevelopment which would impact on neighbours and create further parking problems in the area.


The motion was put to the vote and was carried, 9 voting in favour and 1 against.


Item 2 Garage blocks between 60 and 100 Greenvale Drive, Timsbury – Erection of 2 three bedroom semi-detached houses with parking spaces following demolition of 8 single garages (2 blocks of 4) (Outline application with access and layout to be determined and all other matters reserved) – The Case Officer reported on this application and her recommendation to grant permission subject to conditions.


Members asked questions to which Officers responded. There was concern regarding the location of the houses and insufficient space for the turning circle into garages. Councillor Martin Veal considered that this was overdevelopment with an unsympathetic design and an unacceptable loss of off-street parking – it would not suit the character of the neighbourhood. For these reasons, he moved that the recommendation be overturned and that permission be refused which was seconded by Councillor Bryan Organ.


Members debated the motion. It was generally considered that this was a good location and an acceptable design which would complement the existing houses. The Team Manager – Development Management pointed out that that this was an outline application with details to be approved.


The motion was put to the vote. Voting: 3 in favour and 7 against. Motion lost.


It was therefore moved by Councillor Eleanor Jackson to approve the Officer recommendation to grant permission subject to conditions which was seconded by Councillor Paul Crossley. The motion was put to the vote and was carried, 7 voting in favour and 3 against.


Items 3&4 The Old Parsonage, Main Street, Farrington Gurney – (1) Internal and external alterations to include erection of single storey lean-to extension (Resubmission) (Ref 15/03632/LBA); and (2) erection of single storey lean-to extension (Resubmission) (Ref 15/03574/FUL) – These applications were withdrawn from the Agenda

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