Agenda item

Public Health Update

Members are asked to consider the information presented within the report and note the key issues described.


Dr Bruce Laurence addressed the Select Committee, a summary is set out below.


Healthy Weight Strategy – He said that this wide ranging strategy was now out for consultation and goes alongside the launch of the Fit for Life strategy.


Transfer of the 0 – 5 budget – He informed them that in October this year the Council will take on the budget and commissioning responsibility for health visiting and family nurse partnership services (c£2.5m).


Young people’s substance misuse needs assessment – He said that in general services, Project 28 were good, with above average outcomes. He added though that there are concerns about common thresholds, early identification of problems and attention given to the children of adult service users.


Sexual health needs assessment – He explained that there was a good range of services but that some improvements could be made to opening times and locations to suit young people and an increase to the mix of central and outreach appointments and walk in clinics. He added that a strategy is being drafted and will go out for consultation next month.


Dementia – He informed them that a prevention action plan was being written. He said that the plan will aim to ensure that staff training, communications with the public and staff and policies will include the message about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of dementia.


Meeting the challenge of in year cuts – He explained that the size of the cut is unclear but likely to be in the region of £500k. He added that the Public Health team is finding in year savings with limited impact on services.


Councillor Geoff Ward said that he believed in the concept of Public Health and prevention and asked if services such as Occupational Health and Environmental Health should be combined.


Dr Bruce Laurence replied that he was aware that some Council’s do combine those services. He added that Public Health do work closely with other services within the Place directorate.


Councillor Paul May commented that he saw the role of Public Health as primary in the future of our residents.


Councillor Eleanor Jackson stated that 1 in 15 people locally who are registered with a GP had mental health issues / depression compared to 1 in 8 / 10 nationally. She added that the Health & Wellbeing Strategy made no reference to drug problems locally.


Dr Bruce Laurence replied that the document was written to show how we can improve in certain areas. He added that he would need to look at the depression figures mentioned in more detail before making further comment.


The Director of Adult Care and Health Commissioning said that substance misuse is a matter that the Council are concerned with and that they do monitor any connections with mental health issues. She added that significant joined up working takes place between child and adult services.


Councillor Tim Ball commented that he was concerned over the cuts to the Public Health budget that may affect the ability to carry out the Health & Wellbeing Strategy.


Dr Bruce Laurence replied that he believed that there was enough within the budget to cover our prime services.


The Chair thanked him for his update on behalf of the Select Committee.