Agenda item

Quality Contract Scheme for Buses - Task and Finish Group

A report on the Quality Contract Scheme for Buses Task and Finish Group with Terms of Reference attached for agreement.


The Chair invited Emma Bagley, Policy Development & Scrutiny Project Officer to introduce the report. The officer explained that this issue had come to the Panel as a result of a motion at a Council meeting in January 2015. The officer further explained that this report detailed the Terms of Reference for the Task and Finish Group which would report back to the Panel in January 2016.


Panel members made the following points and asked the following questions:


Councillor Bull explained that the job of the Panel today is to approve the Terms of Reference for the Task and Finish Group, he suggested that the Steering Group looks at the points raised by Mr DuBose at its meeting in October where they can then also consider whether the Terms of Reference need to be altered at all. Councillor Romero asked what the next stage would be. The officer explained that the Task and Finish Group recommendations would come back to the Cabinet Member and one such recommendation may be a larger review. Councillor Bull added that a Task and Finish (T&F) Group only does a small scale investigation into the information available.


Councillor Romero explained her concern that Bath may miss the opportunity to work with others in the region if it does not link up with the Joint West of England work. The officer pointed to paragraph 3.8 in the Terms of Reference which states that the outcomes of the Task and Finish Group will potentially feed into the Joint Local Transport Plan and Joint West of England transport studies. David Redgewell stated that some important work would be done in Bristol in November this year. Councillor Bull explained that the T&F group are meeting in October and November and would have something ready. It was also noted that BANES Joint West of England representative Councillor Rob Appleyard was present at the meeting and he agreed to feed the Panel’s discussion back.


Councillor Carr asked why this Panel was hearing about devolution third hand. Peter Dawson – Group Manager Planning, Policy and Transport explained that the Government have asked for proposals from transport bodies on devolution on a short timescale (December) but until the Government explain what devolution might mean, such transport bodies cannot properly discuss and comment. Councillor Kew stated that is was the job of the T&F Group to come back to the Panel with some answers. Councillor Carr asked that the document that is submitted to the Government also be circulated to this Panel.


Councillor Bull concluded that the T&F group can take their recommendations to the West of England and to this Panel.


It was Resolved that the Panel:


1.  Request the Task and Finish group look at the points raised by Mr DuBose at its meeting in October where they can consider whether the Terms of Reference need to be altered at all;

2.  Agree to undertake the review within the timescales set out in the Terms of Reference; and

3.  Formally agree to the nomination of the following Members (Councillors Bull; Simmons; Butters and Carr) to form the T&F Group who will lead on co-ordinating the group’s activities.


Supporting documents: