Agenda item

RUH Update on Integration of RNHRD

This report updates the B&NES Health and Wellbeing Select Committee on the integration of the Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases (RNHRD) post acquisition by the Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust (RUH) in February 2015.


Tracey Cox, Chief Officer, NHS B&NES CCG and Clare O’Farrell, Associate Director for Integration, RUH introduced this report to the Select Committee.


Clare O’Farrell explained that the Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases (RNHRD) was acquired by the RUH on the 01 February 2015 in order to resolve its long standing financial challenges and to preserve the valued services of the small specialist hospital.


She added that following acquisition all RNHRD clinical services have continued unchanged with the exception of Endoscopy, which transferred to the RUH site on the 01 February 2015. In January 2015 the RUH Board of Directors approved key integration programme objectives to be delivered by the May 2015.


She stated that through integration of service models and closer working with community partners, services will be sustainable for the future, both financially and operationally. All clinical services are expected to continue in line with commissioner requirements.


She said that the ability to fully integrate and align services on a single site was a core component of the original business case for acquisition and sustainability of services. She added that it will improve efficiency and effectiveness, maintaining patient experience and quality of service delivery as well as increasing value for the money from the public purse.


She informed them that a Local Health Economy (LHE) Forum (comprising key commissioning and public/patient representation) was established in 2014 to support the acquisition process and ensure ongoing stakeholder support for the transaction. At a meeting of this Forum on the 2 July 2015 it was proposed that B&NES CCG would lead on consultation and engagement activities on behalf of the other commissioners.


She said that in order to meet the timescales outlined, allow timely movement of paediatric services and ensure that the RUH estates programme can proceed without undue delay, phase one of the engagement and consultation around the proposed service moves is proposed to commence in September 2015.


She asked if the Select Committee had any particular areas that they would like to be picked up in phase one and how they would like to be kept up to date with the project.


Councillor Eleanor Jackson said that she recognised the need for synergy between the two establishments and asked what the status was of the management team.


Clare O’Farrell replied that there is now one fully integrated management team that has a strong clinical lead. She added that they always look to engage with GP colleagues to highlight services available.


Councillor Eleanor Jackson asked if the finances of the RNHRD were being addressed.


Clare O’Farrell replied that there was still work to do but that a three year saving plan had been devised and that they were currently on track to achieve the savings planned for year one.


Councillor Lin Patterson asked if use of the hydrotherapy pools would be included in the consultation.


Clare O’Farrell replied that three meetings had taken place so far and that she would check on future dates regarding this. She said that they were aware of the need for better changing facilities to allow patient flow. She added that a larger pool than both of the current ones combined was planned for future use to enable it to be used by more than one patient at a time.


The Chair asked for the Select Committee to be next updated on the integration in January 2016.

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