Agenda item

Mental Health In-Patient Review / Hillview Lodge Re-provision Update

This paper presents an update on the planned B&NES inpatient re-provision at Hillview Lodge, which includes the transfer of the Ward 4 dementia inpatient services from St Martin’s Hospital to the Royal United Hospital site into a new build specialist mental health unit.


Andrea Morland, Senior Commissioning Manager – Mental Health and Substance Misuse, B&NES CCG introduced this item. She said that the report presents an update on the planned B&NES inpatient re-provision at Hillview Lodge, which includes the transfer of the Ward 4 dementia inpatient services from St Martin’s Hospital to the Royal United Hospital site into a new build specialist mental health unit. She added that in particular it includes an update on the principles underpinning the plans to re-provide in-patient services on an interim basis during a rebuild at Hillview Lodge.


Dr Bill Bruce-Jones, Clinical Director, AWP for Bath and North East Somerset said that the preferred option was to build three wards of 15 beds each (total 45 beds) as this was considered to be a more economic ward model and one which would allow for future growth.


He said that the project is well under way, but there is still much to do before a build can start. He explained that AWP have appointed a cost advisor and have signed up to the Procure 21+ NHS approved process. He added that this process had been used successfully by the RUH in its recent developments. He said that the next steps are the choice of contractors and the submission of detailed plans for planning permission.


He informed them that the preferred option of a rebuild on the existing Hillview Lodge site means that there has to be a good decant plan. The building phase, including demolition of the existing site, has been estimated as lasting 18 months. He stated that a short list of options will be taken forward and this process will include engagement with stakeholders, staff, service users and CCG/Council Commissioners.


Councillors Eleanor Jackson and Bryan Organ declared an interest at this point in the debate as they are members of the Development Management Committee.


Councillor Eleanor Jackson asked if the proposed development had gained planning consent.


Andrea Morland replied that it had not been granted yet.


Councillor Geoff Ward said that he would encourage officers involved in this project to look at other Councils that have undertaken something similar. He also urged support for families that will need visit patients during the development.


Dr Bill Bruce-Jones replied that the challenges relating to visits will be addressed in the plan.


Andrea Morland added that there was a strong call to site the development at the RUH from stakeholders, parking problems aside.


Councillor Eleanor Jackson suggested that the Select Committee take part in a site visit to the RUH.


Dr Bill Bruce-Jones replied that he would be very happy for a site visit to take place.


The Cabinet Member for Wellbeing said that if agreeable with the Select Committee that he would like to attend the site visit. He added that having seen a recent Healthwatch presentation that 350 new car park spaces would be available adjacent to the development.


The Select Committee RESOLVED to:


(i) Note the progress of the planning process as it relates to the business cases,


(ii) Note the intended approach to the interim re-provision of beds (decant plan).


(iii) Agree that the proposals around the decant plan, in so far as they have been established, are in line with the wider Select Committee expectations.


(iv) Agree the process to crystallise the decant plan involving stakeholders and the B&NES CCG is adequate to enable continued proposal development for a new build mental health and dementia unit on the RUH site.

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