Agenda item

'Your Care, Your Way': Let's Plan Community Services Together

NHS BaNES Clinical Commissioning Group and the Council are working together to review community health and social care services and identify what’s needed in the future.


Presentation, Q&A session and round table discussions


6.1 DD introduced Mike MacCallam, Senior Commissioning Manager for the Council and Clinical Commissioning Group.  MMc thanked the Forum for this opportunity to engage with them on the start of their community planning.


6.2 He said ‘Your Care Your Way’ relates to health care services received outside of hospital.  This includes the social care that helps to keep people living in their own homes for as long as possible.


6.3 The aim of the exercise is to help the CCG to plan services over the next 5 – 7 years that reflect the needs of the local community.  It is not about re-commissioning or re-tendering services but reviewing them.  The wheel on slide 4 of the presentation helps to explain the range of services people receive at home, or in a local care setting.


6.4 The CCG has already been informed by local people that they want to be able to ‘tell their story once’.  So the sharing of information and use of technology is an important part of the review.


6.5 A large part of B&NES is rural and there are areas of social deprivation.  How can people best access the health care services they need in these circumstances?


6.6 The Somer Valley has an ageing population and low unemployment but there is above average economically inactive, which could indicate retirement.  55% of people claiming job seekers allowance have a mental or behavioural disorder.


6.7 The review will be undertaken in four stages.  This is stage 1 and will run until April 2017.


Questions and Answers


6.8 AMS said the law has changed so there is a need to provide for carers and the cared for equally.  The CCG makes provision for older people but in Radstock there are high numbers of infants/young people – what is being done for them?  MMc said this is a ‘cradle to grave’ review.


6.9 BMc said the information is useful but there needs to be direct comparisons.  TC said in respect of child obesity two figures are available – one is the national statistic, the other is by Local Authority.  They use these.  SA said the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is available on the Council’s website and it is possible to compare statistics for the Somer Valley with national figures and with other parts of B&NES.


6.10 JB asked how long this consultation will take - the problems have been outlined but not the next steps. MMc said there will be four phases – this one is about gathering information and engagement with local people to obtain their views/experiences.  They will be mapping groups that can feed in, such as the Connecting Communities Forums and other network groups.  At the end of stage one the challenge will be how to shape what the CCG has been told and how radical changes need to be.


6.11 MI asked what is happening to the Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases (RNHRD)?  TC said the CCG wants to provide more services to local communities.  There is currently a pilot programme in place around diabetes – if this goes well, it will be the model for other services.  The acquisition of the RNHRD is around stability and continuity of service.  The aspiration is to make more services available in local communities.  MI said that some specialist services cannot be delivered in this way.  TC agreed.


6.12 LR said she understands the stages but asked how changes will be financed.  TC said it is a challenge and providers will increasingly be expected to deliver efficiencies.  The assumption is that if the right care is available in the right place, then it will help with savings.


6.13 CLGM said there is room for education about health.  Lack of knowledge around the most appropriate solutions to colds, weight gain, etc puts pressure on health care services.  TC said society is over reliant on health care services and there is a need for local people to take more responsibility and ownership of the cause of some of their problems.  One of the elements of the diabetes pilot is to improve self care.


6.14 TT asked whether the CCG will have any influence on the Local Authority to build more over 60s accommodation.  MMc said there is a review of Health and Social Care, so it’s not just about the role of the CCG.  There is a good track record of joint working with the Council but the key is how we engage with other partners and organisations on the issues.


6.15 SA said Placemaking is the key document in which to make these comments.  The Council is planning for it and speaking with GPs regarding housing needs.  The more groups like this that feed into Placemaking, the better.


6.16 JH said dementia is a big issue.  She asked how stakeholders that are losing their faculties can engage in exercises like this?  TC said dementia is one of the CCG’s key priorities and a national priority.  There is a team at the RUH with dedicated staff and support workers.  The Red Cross will also be piloting a project funded by Land Rover to put people in contact with activities and this is due to start in Midsomer Norton soon.  AMS said Radstock Town Council has just voted for Radstock to be a Dementia Friendly Town and would like to be put in touch with the Red Cross.


6.17 SA said it is about making local communities friendlier to people with dementia and ensuring that shop workers etc get training to learn more about it.  There are also books and resources relating to dementia in local libraries.


6.18 TC introduced the workshop session which would be based around case studies.  She asked the meeting to break into groups.  Each would consider one study and what works well in terms of the services currently available and the key things that might make a difference.


Cllr Bob Hitchens, High Littleton Parish Council, left the meeting at this point.


6.19 All groups provided feedback.  This was recorded and will be sent out by the CCG at a later date but a précis will be sent out with the minutes as a separate document.


6.20 MMc said maximising the role of volunteers, transport information and sign-posting were all common themes from the Forums to date.


6.21 MMc asked everyone involved with the Forum to help promote the consultation – leaflets were distributed.  Also, to let the CCG about groups in their area that they should be visiting.