Agenda item

Cabinet Member Update

The Cabinet Member(s) will update the Panel on any relevant issues. Panel members may ask questions.




The Head of Housing highlighted to the Panel some points from within the written document.


Help for Single Homeless Fund Bid


A partnership bid, made by Bath & North East Somerset and on behalf the three Unitary Authorities including Bristol & North Somerset, for additional funding for homelessness services was successful.  The 3 authorities will now receive an additional £96,063 in 2014/15 and potentially £143,438 in 2015/16.  The funding will be used to ensure the continued support for rough sleepers.


Gypsy and Travellers


Full planning consent has been granted for a 13 pitch Gypsy & Traveller site on land adjacent to the Lower Bristol Road.  In addition a single member decision has provided a facility to draw down the budget as required and to contract with an RP partner.


At the time of writing the scheme contractor, working on behalf of Elim Housing Association, has advised they are on schedule to complete in late February.


The allocation policy has been drafted and is currently going through the democratic process.  Housing applications are now being sought from prospective tenants.


Empty Properties / CPO


Housing services are taking forward the Council’s policy to bring long term empty homes into use by seeking to compulsorily purchase two of the highest priority empty homes in B&NES.  Cabinet have authorised the Head of Housing to make a Compulsory Purchase Order for this purpose.


The Order was served in July 2014 and the Secretary of State has now authorised the Council to confirm the Order. The Order was confirmed on 14 October 2014 and is now subject to a further appeal period. It is anticipated that the properties will be in Council ownership by early February. 


Affordable Housing


The officer said, ‘We are supporting 20 Registered Providers to deliver a target of 610 affordable homes by March 2015. With 154 completions to the end of q3, we continue to exceed delivery targets for both rented and shared ownership homes, and are on forecast to exceed the 2011-15 target by around 28%.’


The Chair commented that it was good to see the progress that had been made on affordable housing.


Councillor Brian Simmons asked how the empty properties were identified.


The Head of Housing replied that a strategy exists to identify properties and bring them back into use. He added that high priority sites may then be subject to further action. He said that there were around fifteen target properties and that once the latest CPO process was complete the list would be looked at afresh.


Councillor Tim Ball commented that he had discussed this matter recently with other local authorities and they all had agreed that the current CPO process takes too long. He added that he hoped that the next Government could look to shorten this process.


Councillor Gerry Curran said that he welcomed the figures in relation to affordable housing and asked what the likelihood was of those figures remaining so buoyant.


The Head of Housing replied that good policies exist to address this work area and although a degree of challenge will still remain he felt that the prospects were good given the forthcoming development of the former MoD sites. He added that our local Registered Providers are also proactive on this matter.


The Chair asked if any affordable housing schemes were coming forward within rural areas through discussions with the Parish Councils under the terms of the Localism Act.


The Head of Housing replied that Team Manager for Enabling & Development led on these matters and that he would ask her to respond directly.


Councillor Steve Hedges asked for an explanation as to why the Council feels the need to take part in the CPO process.


The Head of Housing replied that the Council takes on the CPO process to highlight that it is not appropriate to have properties vacant for 20 years or more given the numbers on our housing list.


Councillor June Player asked if the target properties could be known publicly. She also said that she had been made aware of some potential sites.


The Head of Housing replied that the list of target properties could not be published but he would welcome any possible sites.


Councillor Patrick Anketell-Jones asked if he was aware of any homes that had been ‘bought to leave’ locally.


The Head of Housing replied that he was not aware of any.


Councillor Dave Laming commented that he had advocated quite strongly for the term ‘homes’ to be used instead of ‘houses’ and would like to see an emphasis on that basis in future reports.


The Head of Housing replied that he agreed and would look to use the term ‘homes’ more in the future.


Councillor David Veale asked if the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) was applicable to affordable homes and whether funds from the CIL would be allocated back to the relevant Parish Council to address needs locally.


Councillor Tim Ball replied that the CIL was not applicable on affordable homes and that 25% of the CIL would be allocated back to communities to use within specific guidelines.


Councillor Ben Stevens, Cabinet Member for Sustainable Development addressed the Panel. He informed them that the Victoria Bridge had been open to public since the completion of the truss removal in December 2014 and that the official opening took place on 15th January 2015.


On the matter of the Grand Parade & Undercroft he stated that the project is due to be considered by the Development Control Committee in February and that a preferred contractor had been appointed. He added the project remains on budget and that once planning consent had been granted the marketing of the units will recommence.


The Chair asked if an explanation could be given for the delay in the opening of the pavement and the new road connected to the NRR estate.


The Divisional Director for Project Management replied that there had been a Christmas embargo on all road works and that highway works associated with Wessex Water were now ongoing until May. He added that the majority of the reserve matters for Area 2 had been completed.


He stated that a planning application in relation to Area 3 was near to completion and that Area 1 would then follow. He added that a further 20 car park spaces were planned for the site.


The Chair commented that she would welcome a parking strategy for Radstock as parking was crucial to the prosperity of the town centre businesses.


Councillor Brian Simmons asked who was allowed to use the lower level of the car park at Keynsham Civic Centre.


The Divisional Director for Project Management replied that as severe vandalism had taken place on three occasions the Council were looking to gate off the area in the evenings, but allow it to be used at weekends during the day. He said that historically officers could use the facility between 9.00am – 5.30pm.


Councillor Gerry Curran said that through his role on the Development Control Committee he was aware of a proposal to develop half of the Pinesgate site and wondered if the Cabinet Member had heard of any future intentions regarding the other half.


Councillor Ben Stevens replied that there had been some informal discussions and that it would likely be picked up in the Enterprise Area Masterplan work.


The Chair asked if any update could be given on the supermarket development scheduled for the South Road car park in Midsomer Norton.


Councillor Ben Stevens replied that there was no current news and that not much progress was likely prior to the elections.