Agenda item

Revenue & Capital Outturn 2013/14

The report presents the revenue and capital outturn for 2013/14, highlighting an underspend of £83,000. This represents a significant achievement in the context of the government’s public sector deficit recovery plan which resulted in a revenue savings requirement of over £11 million for 2013/14.


Councillor David Bellotti introduced the item by observing that the Council had operated within its budget for the 3rd consecutive year.  Not only that, but it had been possible to put £149K into unearmarked reserves.  This was alongside that fact that the Cabinet had not increased Council Tax during the 3 years.  He thanked the officers who had managed their budgets so well.

Councillor David Dixon seconded the proposal.  He felt he must observe that the suggestion put by Councillor Brian Webber in question #M22 of the Q&A document would be a false economy.

Councillor Tim Ball referred to the increase in planning applications over the period.  He thanked Development Control staff for coping with the increase, and pointed out that staffing levels in this very important team were now back to the levels prior to being slashed by the previous administration.

Councillor Paul Crossley said that not only had the previous 3 years been within budget, but the current year was also well on track to being within budget.  He listed a number of projects which the Cabinet had delivered across the area.

Councillor David Bellotti summed up by saying that the Cabinet had taken care to spend the available funds on those things which were the Council’s priorities.

On a motion from Councillor David Bellotti, seconded by Councillor David Dixon, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To NOTE the revenue budget outturn underspend of £83,000 for 2013/14;

(2) To APPROVE the revenue carry forward proposals and write-off requests;

(3) To AGREE transfers to Earmarked Reserves;

(4) To APPROVE the revenue virements for 2013/14;

(5) To NOTE the resulting reserves position and that unearmarked reserves remain at the target level of £10.5m;

(6) To NOTE the provisional outturn of the 2013/14 capital programme and funding;

(7) To APPROVE the capital rephasing and write-off of net underspends;

(8) To NOTE the adjustments to the 2013/14 to 2018/19 capital programme; and

(9) To NOTE the final capital programme for 2013/14.

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