Agenda item

Statements, Deputations or Petitions from Public or Councillors

Councillors and members of the public may register their intention to make a statement if they notify the subject matter of their statement before the deadline.  Statements are limited to 3 minutes each.  The speaker may then be asked by Cabinet members to answer factual questions arising out of their statement.


Duncan Hounsell (Liberal Democrat Organiser, Saltford) in a statement [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 2 and on the Council's website] highlighted the work of the volunteers who support the Saltford Brass Mill.  He asked Cabinet to provide funds to repair the Mill so that it could be re-opened to the public.

Councillor David Bellotti asked Duncan Hounsell if he would be delighted to know that the Council had accepted the responsibility to repair the roof and rewire the Mill so that it would be safe, to enable the friends of the Mill to continue their work.  Duncan Hounsell said that he was delighted to hear this.

Sue Hamilton (Councillor, Westfield Parish Council) in a statement [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 3 and on the Council's website] asked the Cabinet to ensure that Westfield would be provided with a supermarket following the recent rejection of a planning application.  She presented a petition of 736 signatures in support.

Ron Hopkins (Resident, Westfield) in a statement [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 4 and on the Council's website] supported the call for a supermarket in Westfield.

The Chair referred both statements from Sue Hamilton and Ron Hopkins to Councillor Tim Ball and asked him to provide information relating to timescales and processes.

Robert Morgan in a statement [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 5 and on the Council's website] asked for issues which he had previously raised with the Council to be addressed.

Anna Morgan in a statement [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 6 and on the Council's website] supported her husband’s appeal for fairness in the Council’s dealings with them as Guildhall market stallholders and presented a petition of 69 signatures in support.

The Chair assured Robert and Anna Morgan that consideration was being given to their statements and that they would receive a response within 10 working days.

Cllr Lesley Mansell (Chair, Radstock Town Council) in a statement [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 7 and on the Council's website] asked for consultation to take place about the proposals to move Radstock Library into the Radco premises.

Councillor David Dixon asked Lesley Mansell whether she had heard his previous statement that he intended to consult Radstock Town Council over this matter.  Lesley Mansell said that she had heard this but she felt that consultation should have been undertaken earlier.

Cllr Lesley Mansell (Chair, Radstock Town Council) in a statement [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 8 and on the Council's website] asked for the hydrotherapy pool in the Writhlington Connections Centre to be repaired and refurbished so that it could re-open.

Councillor Simon Allen asked whether Lesley Mansell was aware that the pool had been used inappropriately for hydrotherapy, for which it was never designed.  Lesley Mansell agreed, and reminded the Cabinet that she had already observed that a roof would be required.

Elizabeth Derl-Davis in a statement [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 9 and on the Council's website] asked for information about the arrangements for funding the Bronze Band alarm system for Curo residents.

Councillor Simon Allen asked Elizabeth Derl-Davis whether she was aware that the £60K alarm fund was in addition to the existing Curo fund; and that where there was financial difficulty there would be nothing to pay.  Elizabeth Derl-Davis said that Curo did not have a hardship fund.  The Chair observed that he understood that they did have such a fund.

Cllr Cherry Beath, the Council’s Champion for Culture, in a statement [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 10 and on the Council's website] welcomed the refresh of the Economic Strategy and the incorporation of Arts and Culture into the strategy.  She felt however that key local arts organisations had been weakened as a result of the new commissioning process; and asked for the process to be put on hold while new funding and commissioning arrangements were created, in partnership with the cultural sector and other strategic partners.  The Chair referred the statement to Councillor Ben Stevens for a response within 5 working days.