Agenda item

Keynsham Transport Strategy

The Panel will receive a presentation relating to this item.


Nick Richardson, Mott MacDonald gave a presentation to the Panel on the Keynsham Transport Strategy. A copy is available online as an appendix to these minutes and on the Panel’s Minute Book. A summary is set out below.




To minimise the negative effects of traffic congestion in and around Keynsham and ensuring it retains its independence and its separate identity within an attractive rural setting by becoming a more sustainable, desirable and well-connected place in which to live and work.




·  Minimising the future increase in traffic congestion

·  Supporting and enabling the local economy

·  Promoting sustainable mobility

·  Improving connections, particularly to improved rail services and the town centre

·  Improving the quality of life for residents

·  Ensuring that all traffic management and pedestrian schemes are designed to take mobility needs in to account


Traffic Demand


·  Congestion is predicted to worsen with large increases in journey times through Keynsham if nothing is done

·  Capacity of the High Street and its junctions is a key constraint


Rail Improvements


Continued co-operation between local authorities will help maximise the benefits of the service improvements:

·  Improved accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists, nearby bus stop

·  Increased car and cycle parking

·  Improved security


Bus Services


·  Better multi-media service information (joint initiative between operators, the Council and users)

·  Improved links between bus and rail services

·  Revised fare structure, especially for inter-urban services

·  Measures to reduce delays to buses e.g. as part of capacity improvements at key junctions.


Walking & Access for All


Improved walking network will support a shift from motorised modes - ‘more people, more active, more often’ in line with the council’s ‘Fit for Life’ Strategy

·  Needs of mobility impaired people to take into account age structure: 23% of residents over age 65

·  Improvements to benefit people with impairments
e.g. crossings, surfacing, lighting, access to bus stops




·  Short term - improve access to schools through consultation with local cycle groups and schools;

·  Medium to long term – new routes taking into account the recent Sustrans review

·  More secure cycle parking at the rail station, workplaces, residential developments, leisure facilities and town centre

·  Promotion of the new cycle routes through leaflets, route maps, school liaison etc.


Town Centre & Junction Improvements


·  Improvements to key junctions will reduce the level of delays

·  Two potential layouts were considered with the High Street as one-way southbound

·  Traffic modelling showed a better performance with Ashton Way retained as two-way

·  Long delays were predicted for westbound traffic in the PM peak due to the constraint of High Street / Ashton Way junctions

·  A one-way scheme should be possible with existing traffic levels or for off-peak hours only with future traffic demand


Councillor Liz Richardson commented that rural links to Keynsham should also be addressed.


The Chair sought assurances that the strategies for Keynsham and Bath were linked.


The Strategic Director for Place replied that there was a need to look widely at public transport with the emphasis on a West of England approach. She added that the WoE were reviewing the Joint Local Transport Plan and she was the lead Director for this piece of work.


She highlighted that Keynsham was currently the fastest growing area of B&NES with a large commuter population. She added she was aware of the links required for the Somer Valley and Bath.


Councillor Roger Symonds asked what surveys had been carried out with regard to traffic in Keynsham.


Nick Richardson replied that none had yet been carried out and that the presentation had used the most recent census data from 2011.


Councillor Les Kew said he wished to comment initially in his role as a member of the Development Control Committee. He said that the former Divisional Director for Planning and Transport had promised that proper traffic surveys would be carried out to support the number of housing developments being built and that the residents of Keynsham deserved better.


The Strategic Director for Place replied that the consultation was currently on-going and that they were looking to take the residents along in the process. She added that there was a focus on the High Street and that she was aware of the need to improve the roundabout at Hicks Gate and other strategic links.


Councillor Charles Gerrish addressed the Panel. He said the majority of the feedback that he had received from residents so far was that it has all been a waste of time, that the questionnaire was slanted and that not a true strategy has yet been produced. He added that there was no mention of through traffic within the presentation and that it was too reliant on old data.


He stated that the development at Somerdale requires two access points and that the Council missed out on funding opportunities through this development. He added that any roads built around the new developments must be made wider to address the current on street parking problem.


Councillor Liz Richardson commented that she felt the bigger picture needed to be addressed, not solely a survey of Keynsham residents.


The Strategic Director for Place replied that she would be happy to meet with Councillors to attempt to move their issues forward.


Councillor David Martin asked how the new developments would affect traffic in the future.


Nick Richardson replied that a transport assessment was required for each new development and that these would need to be reviewed thoroughly.


Councillor Roger Symonds commented that Keynsham has a great centre for its residents, but provision was required for additional walking and cycling space. He asked how many responses to the consultation had been received so far.


The Transportation Planning Team Leader replied 83 responses had been received online and 30 in hard copy. He added that a bus service has been provided to Charlton Road through funding associated with the Somerdale development and that a local cycle network was being worked upon.


The Chair asked if further public engagement was necessary and whether a Single Inquiry Day type event would be appropriate.


The Strategic Director for Place replied that a number of exhibitions had already taken place, but was willing to discuss if any further meetings should be held.


Councillor Anthony Clarke commented on the need for an overarching Joint Transport Strategy.


Councillor Terry Gazzard commented that he had attended a community meeting in Keynsham in 2010 that highlighted the needs of residents and hoped that these were now being addressed. He added that funding was required to subsidise bus journeys to make them more affordable for the public.


Councillor Les Kew commented that if a further meeting was held the Panel should be shown the brief given to Mott MacDonald.


Councillor Brian Simmons addressed the Panel in his role as Community Transport Champion. He said that the issue of community transport was not covered in either of the strategies before the Panel today. He added that users of the Dial-a-Ride service had grown significantly in recent years from 300 – 1,300. He stated that more buses should stop at the train station.


Nick Richardson replied that community transport was a very practical response to the needs of some residents.


The Chair said that she would discuss the merits of a further meeting with the Strategic Director for Place.


Councillor Charles Gerrish commented that a Cabinet decision in December would seem a little rushed given the content of debate today.


The Strategic Director for Place replied that she would discuss the possibility of deferral with Councillor Roberts in her role Cabinet Member for Transport.


The Chair thanked everyone for contributing to the debate.