Agenda item

Flood Drainage Management

At the meeting on November 20th 2013 Panel Members received a joint presentation from Kelvin Packer, (Service Manager – Highways) and Ed Lockington (Environment Agency) on the duties placed upon B&NES by recent legislation and the outcome of flooding investigations in Chew Magna and Chew Stoke. The Panel requested that an update be reported to the January Panel meeting. This briefing note sets out the progress and actions undertaken since the original Panel Report.


The Service Manager for Highways & Parking introduced this item to the Panel. He spoke of the actions taken since the last meeting in November 2013 that were listed in the report and the fact that the Chew Valley Flood Forum (CVFF) had canvassed 69 properties for feedback on the installed flood barriers. He stated that they had received 35 returns and of those, 20 properties identified defects.


He added that the CVFF continues to work with officers and is proactively endeavouring to obtain a return from the remaining properties to establish a complete picture. He informed the Panel that in December 2013 a constructive meeting was held with the supplier of the flood barriers to discuss the extent of, and costs of any remedial works, as well as providing a maintenance scheme for residents. It is anticipated that a further meeting will take place in February 2014.


He explained to the Panel that a meeting took place in Chew Stoke in December 2013 to brief the community on the outcome of the flood investigation. A survey of the sources of surface water flooding and a number of improvement works to the highway drainage system have been identified and as a result a works order for improvements has been issued to our Contractor. These works will be completed prior to 31 March 2014.


He reminded the Panel of the concern expressed by the CVFF that surface water run-off from farm land was a contributory factor to flooding and that officers were requested to contact the NFU to discuss whether contour ploughing etc. could make a difference.


He said that in order for a meaningful dialogue with the NFU officers had reviewed the impact of farming on flooding, as well as the flood investigation results for Chew Stoke and had concluded that farming had a negligible impact on the flooding due to the degree of ground saturation present, intensity of the storms and rapid response nature of the catchment.


He added that drainage staff are planning to hold a meeting with the NFU to discuss farming and land management issues in February 2014.


He informed the Panel that a meeting had also been scheduled with Cllr Charles Gerrish, the Council’s representative on the Wessex Flood Defence Committee, to review the proposed actions for inclusion in the operational Highways and Drainage Service Plan 2014/15. He added that there is already a proposal for an additional £200k investment planned for flood mitigation/enhanced PLP. Officers will brief the relevant Cabinet Members once the action plan is formed and any required funding will be sought through the normal budget approval process.


Councillor Charles Gerrish wished to thank the work of the Service Manager for Highways & Parking and associated officers for all their work on this matter. He also wanted to highlight the need to inspect bridges on a more regular basis


The Service Manager for Highways & Parking thanked him for his comments and said he was aware of the need to pursue this work.


Councillor Liz Richardson also wished to offer her thanks to the team and the Environment Agency as no domestic flooding had occurred over the past couple of weeks in her local area. She also asked how the meetings of the Flood Risk Board would take place.


The Service Manager for Highways & Parking replied that they would take place in two parts. The first would be a technical meeting with representatives from the Environment Agency, Bristol Water, River Regeneration Trust etc. and the second part of the meeting would be public engagement.


Councillor Geoff Ward asked who would be leading on plans to address problems within Bathford, Bathampton and Batheaston.


The Service Manager for Highways & Parking replied that the Environment Agency would lead on this and then discuss it with officers.


The Chair thanked him for the update and all his work on behalf of the Panel.


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