Agenda item



The Chairman informed the meeting that, not so long ago, he circulated an email to the rest of the Panel informing them that he would allow a discussion on River Safety.  A reason for having River Safety under Urgent Business was due to the tragic incident that happened a few weeks ago, where a young man drowned in the river.  The Chairman also said that Councillor Dave Laming had informed him about an incident that happened over the weekend, where a young girl and her father fell in, and, fortunately, they managed to get themselves out of the river.


The Chairman reminded the meeting that the Panel had received a report and presentation in November 2011 about the River Safety, which included a focus on a need for safety ropes on the side of the river and repairs needed on safety ladders coming out of the river.  The report from November 2011 suggested that the safety ladders needed to be painted clearly so the public who would fall in the river could see them. 


The Chairman expressed his concerns that those safety measures, as suggested in the report and presentation on November 2011, did not appear to have been put into place.


The Chairman suggested that the Panel should receive a report, from the relevant Cabinet Member and officers, on what had happened in regard of implementation of the safety measures recommended in November 2011 report.


The Chairman requested that the report should have detailed information on how decisions/recommendations from the November 2011 report had been put into action, and if they had not been put in action, the reason for that.


Councillor David Dixon, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods, commented that the Council has been working with the police, the fire service, the Environment Agency and the Canal and River Trust on a list of work that has to be done, and the next meeting between the Council and all of these agencies is scheduled for 24th March.  Councillor Dixon said that he could not reveal all information at this point due to on-going investigation.  Councillor Dixon also said that he would be quite keen to share findings of that meeting on 24th March and also an action plan.  Councillor Dixon concluded by saying that the Panel should understand that the role of the Council was to bring all agencies together for multi-agency discussion on the River Safety.


The Chairman requested that findings of that meeting on 24th March be circulated to the Panel as soon as possible and also to be included in the report for May 2014 meeting of the Panel.  The Chairman also suggested that relevant partners from the Responsible Authorities should be invited at the next meeting and participate in questions and answers session.  The Chairman also requested that Councillor Dave Laming be included in those multi-agency discussions, in his capacity as Member Champion for the River and also as Member of this Panel.  The Chairman added that Councillor Laming has had many years of operational experience around the river and that he would feel comfortable if Councillor Laming would be invited and involved in those discussions.


Members of the Panel welcomed requests made by the Chairman.


Councillor Laming said that he could not see, or find, evidence that any of the recommendations from the November 2011 report had been carried out. 


The Chairman concluded this matter by asking the Panel to agree with his recommendations, as above.  The Panel unanimously agreed.


It was RESOLVED to:


1)  Invite all of the relevant Responsible Authorities to come along at the next meeting and participate in questions and answers session;

2)  Request that an action plan, as soon as it is available, be circulated to all Panel Members;

3)  Receive a report for May meeting of the Panel which should include an action plan from November 2011 report showing timescales, responsibilities and financial accountabilities;

4)  Strongly advise that Councillor Dave Laming should be included in the operational group that would be looking into the progress on the River Safety, as Member Champion for The River and also as a Member of this Panel.