Agenda item

Cabinet Member update

The Cabinet Member(s) will update the Panel on any relevant issues. Panel members may ask questions.


The Cabinet Member for Homes & Planning, Councillor Tim Ball addressed the Panel. He informed them that a planning application was due before the Development Control Committee in October for a 10 pitch Gypsy & Traveller Site on the Lower Bristol Road. He added that the site would be for 5 transit and 5 permanent pitches.


He said that the Inspector relating to the Core Strategy would be holding a hearing on September 17th to discuss the questions he had recently asked of the Council regarding its housing need. He added that he expected a full hearing to take place in either November or December.


Councillor Les Kew asked what criteria he was going to use to gain permission to use the land on the Lower Bristol Road as it is within the Green Belt.


Councillor Tim Ball replied that he would be citing ‘exceptional use’ as the land is close to an array of local amenities. He added that no other site had come forward as a possibility and that only one objection had been received for the proposal.


Councillor Will Sandry asked what site management arrangements would be put in place as currently there appeared to be more vehicles on site than equated to 10 pitches.


Councillor Tim Ball replied that there were only two true travelling families on the site and that the others present would not be eligible to remain on the site.


The Divisional Director for Planning and Transport added for clarification that a pitch could contain a number of vehicles / caravans.


Councillor Liz Richardson asked why the number of sites had reduced from 15 to 10.


Councillor Tim Ball replied that a survey of the site had been carried out and to give adequate space for each pitch and room for vehicles to turn it was determined that 10 was a more feasible number. He added that the permanent pitches are larger than the transit ones.


Councillor Douglas Nicol asked if the Council was discriminating against different types of travellers.


Councillor Tim Ball replied that the definitions were defined by law and the Council was working within its agreed allocation policy / criteria. He added that he would send around the criteria to the Panel.


The Cabinet Member for Transport, Councillor Caroline Roberts addressed the Panel. She informed them that the Dorchester Street TRO had been advertised and that work was expected to start on the project in July 2014.


She said that the bus stops element of the Bath Package was almost complete and that the next phase would involve the provision of shelters.


She announced that a new footway had been provided through Chew Stoke and that the winter maintenance provision was to be increased.


Councillor Liz Richardson thanked her for the work she had done toward the new footway and asked if drain clearance would be carried out in preparation for winter to avoid flooding.


Councillor Caroline Roberts replied that work was on-going to prevent flooding.


Councillor Lisa Brett asked if extra grit bins could be provided to residents within her ward under the proviso that they are the ones responsible to supply the grit.


Councillor Caroline Roberts replied that she felt this should be possible and would discuss the matter further with Councillor Brett after the meeting.