Issue - meetings

Community Empowerment Fund

Meeting: 09/05/2012 - Cabinet (Item 220)

220 Community Empowerment Fund pdf icon PDF 64 KB

This report sets out the latest situation relating to the Community Empowerment Fund which was agreed by Cabinet on 2nd March 2011.  It makes specific recommendations relating to the Performance Reward Grant “Main Grant Fund” of £1m and the £336,000 element of the Council’s Community Empowerment Fund for helping disadvantaged communities, regeneration and localism projects.


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Councillor Paul Crossley in proposing the item thanked the officers of Policy and Partnerships for their hard work in preparing the arrangements for the fund.  He was delighted that the main recommendations for use of the fund had come from the community.

Councillor Nathan Hartley seconded the proposal.  He also was delighted with the proposals.  He announced the launch of a brand new fund of £100K, to be used to ensure that the young people we work with have a better chance of fulfilling their goals and aspirations.  £60K of the fund was earmarked to fund groups and initiatives that support young people to get involved with positive activities and £40,000 was for young people who were struggling to find training or employment.  He was confident that the fund would make a huge difference in a number of young lives.

On a motion from Councillor Paul Crossley, seconded by Councillor Nathan Hartley, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To AGREE the provisional funding allocations in relation to the Performance Reward Programme Main Grant Fund and that conditional offers be made with regard to the projects identified, subject to successful negotiations on grant agreements as set out in the report;

(2) To DELEGATE authority to the Divisional Director, Policy and Partnerships, in consultation with the Council Leader and Section 151 Officer, to sign funding agreements that have been finalised according to this process, put in place performance management arrangements and reallocate any sums returned to the fund in accordance with the prioritisation assessment agreed by the LSP Board;

(3) To AGREE the proposed funding allocations in relation to the Fund for disadvantaged communities, regeneration and localism projects, including the £60,000 allocation for equalities projects recommended by the LSP Board following its deliberations on the Main Grant Fund;

(4) To DELEGATE authority to the identified Divisional Directors, in consultation with relevant Cabinet members and the Section 151 Officer, to manage the budgets allocated under the Fund for disadvantaged communities, regeneration and localism projects;

(5) To AGREE the funding profile for the Ward Councillors Initiative as follows:

2012-13: £3000 for each member

2013-14: £3000 for each member

2014-15: No allocation

(6) To AGREE the allocation of £100,000 from the Fund for disadvantaged communities, regeneration and localism projects for a new Future Fund.
