Issue - meetings

School Admissions

Meeting: 15/09/2015 - Children and Young People Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 21)

21 School Admissions pdf icon PDF 62 KB

This report provides a briefing on the pattern of admissions to Primary and Secondary Schools in September 2015.


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The Parent Support Services Manager introduced this item to the Panel. He informed them that a total of 88% of Bath and North East Somerset primary children were offered their 1st preference school compared to 92.83% in September 2014, however a total of 98% of Bath and North East Somerset children were offered one of their overall preferences. He added that a total of 95% of Bath and North East Somerset secondary children were offered their 1st preference school compared to 93.62% in September 2014, however a total of 99% of Bath and North East Somerset children were offered one of their overall preferences.


The Chair gave her congratulations to the officers for achieving the levels they had done for this academic year. She commented that she would like to have the School Admissions booklet circulated with the report for next year.


Councillor Liz Hardman asked what could be done to increase the intake at less popular schools.


The Parent Support Services Manager replied that he was unsure what to suggest as it was down to a choice of preference.


Councillor Liz Hardman asked what happens to pupils in the rural area that do not get their preferred place.


The Parent Support Services Manager replied that home to school transport may be offered in certain cases.


Councillor Liz Hardman asked if PAN levels took into account of the proposed new housing developments.


The Parent Support Services Manager replied that PAN levels do take these proposals into account. He added that the Council was not the admission authority for Secondary Schools and therefore their numbers could increase. He commented that places within Studio Schools were now available to pupils in Year 10, but that he was not aware of a high number of applications through the Council.


The Director for Children & Young People, Strategy and Commissioning added that it was a little early to tell of their impact, but that three were now open equating to 900 places.


Councillor Dine Romero asked if within future reports there could an appendix in relation to Studio Schools.


The Chair asked how places for children with Special Educational Needs were allocated.


The Parent Support Services Manager replied that places would be allocated as long their preference was stated on their statement or educational health plan. He added that officers would liaise with the Council’s SEN Team during the admissions process.


The Panel RESOLVED to note the pattern of admissions to Primary and Secondary Schools in September 2015.
