Issue - meetings

Medium Term Plan and 2015/16 Budget Update

Meeting: 18/11/2014 - Housing and Major Projects Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 49)

49 Medium Term Plan and 2015/16 Budget Update pdf icon PDF 49 KB

The draft Place Medium Term Service & Resource Plan (MTSRP) update is presented for consideration by the Panel to ensure all members of the Panel are aware of the context and enabled to comment.


Additional documents:


The Strategic Director for Place introduced this item to the Panel. She explained that as the Core Strategy had now been adopted it provided the Council a platform to progress the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and complete the Placemaking Plan. She stated that the CIL is required to ensure that the Council continues to receive relevant developer contributions in order that key infrastructure requirements can be met. She added that it is proposed that this will be in place by April 2015.


She stated that the adoption of the Bath City Riverside Enterprise Area masterplan and its incorporation within the Placemaking process will ensure that grants and other forms of external funding can be effectively targeted as well as provide developer confidence. She added that the development of these sites is crucial if the Council is to meet its housing and job creation targets.


She informed them that the Place Directorate continues to work with the HCA and key registered social landlords to provide affordable housing particularly in relation to Bath Western Riverside, the former Ministry of Defence sites and Radstock.


She explained that the Place Directorate had gone through a fundamental restructuring process and that the implementation of the new senior management structure had enabled the Directorate to review values and priorities through the development of a Directorate Business Plan.


She stated that there were potential funding opportunities through new housing including an increasing New Homes Bonus.


She informed them that there are significant efficiency targets in the plan and those arising from the changes in management and service restructures and the need to increase income opportunities are very challenging to achieve, especially when the call on many services was increasing.


The Chair asked for parking to be considered in the context of regeneration. She also asked officers to investigate the merits of charging Council Tax to people living on the waterways within the Council.


She also acknowledged the risks identified by the changes in management and service restructures.


Councillor David Veale asked how the CIL was to be evaluated.


The Strategic Director for Place replied that a paper was out for consultation currently and had been seen by the Local Development Framework Steering Group. She added that a hearing would take place in December to qualify the judgement that the Council makes.


The Chair commented that she was unhappy in the proposed reduction in the Planning Policy Team because of the upcoming five year housing need review and the implications of Placemaking.


The Strategic Director for Place replied that it was anticipated that this saving would be achieved across the broader Development services.


The Chair asked for the Panel’s comments to be passed onto the Resources Panel.
