Issue - meetings

Appointment of Committees/Panels etc and other Annual Business

Meeting: 08/05/2014 - Council (Item 8)


This report invites Council to consider its non-executive and regulatory committee arrangements for the Council year May 2014 to May 2015.


Additional documents:


On a motion from Councillor Paul Crossley, seconded by Councillor Dave Dixon, it was


1.  Approve the structure for non-executive and regulatory decision making and Policy Development & Scrutiny working (set out in its current form in appendix 2 to the report);

2.  Accordingly, appoint those bodies with membership, terms of reference and delegated powers as set out in the Constitution;

3.  Note that the operation of the Parishes Liaison meeting (Terms of Reference attached as part of Appendix 2) will be reviewed if the outcome of the review of the Connecting Communities pilot project recommends rolling the programme out to other communities;

4.  Approve the allocation of seats on those Committees and Panels (such seats to be filled in accordance with the nominations made by the political groups);

5.  Note the current arrangements for chairing committees and panels (as set out in Appendix 1 to the report) and defer until the July Council meeting the review of such allocations;

6.  Authorise the Monitoring Officer to fill any casual vacancies in membership of all the bodies constituted and vacancy in the office of Chair of such bodies in accordance with the wishes of the political groups;

7.  Determine the bodies on which co-opted members are to have seats  as either voting or non-voting members and appoint such members accordingly (as set out in Appendix 1 to the report);

8.  Authorise the Monitoring Officer, in consultation with the Chairs of the Policy Development & Scrutiny Panels, to constitute and support any required Panel joint working as outlined in section 7 of the report;

9.  Authorise the Monitoring Officer, in consultation with Group Leaders, to make appointments on such outside bodies as are for the Council (rather than Cabinet) to fill;

10.Note the arrangements for the conduct of Cabinet business;

11.Note the calendar of meeting dates that has been prepared up to May 2015 which is available on the Council’s website;

12.Note the changes that will be required to the Constitution with regard to voting at budget meetings, and filming at meetings, as set out in section 10 of the report;

13.Authorise the Monitoring Officer to make and publicise any amendment to the Council’s Constitution required, or take any other necessary action, as a result of decisions taken at this meeting on this and other reports within the agenda, or otherwise as required by law;

14.Note that a formal review of political balance will take place at the July meeting; and

15.Agree that a cross-party working group (with a membership proportionate to the make-up of the Council) be established to consider, with officer support, options to strengthen community representation and civic governance within Bath, and to report back on these options, including a preferred option (with proposed Terms of Reference) to the July Council meeting, or if this is not possible than no later than the September Council meeting, for consideration.


[Note  - the underlined wording in resolution 15 above was moved as an amendment by  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8
