Decision details

Science and Tech Teaching Block at Oldfield Secondary School

Decision Maker: Director of Children and Education

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To deliver a new purpose built Science and Tech Teaching Block at Oldfield Secondary. Addressing accommodation suitability issues and providing modern spaces suitable to meet the co-ed cohort. Planning consent had been granted and the new building will enable increased school capacity moving from 1,216 to 1,320 including 6th form. Total project cost is £2m with Oldfield Secondary meeting the majority of the costs directly, supported by BANES contribution.


To fully approve £435,000 of capital budget, split funded £143,505 CIL & £291,495 Basic Needs Capital Grant.

Alternative options considered:

Following consultation in 2018 with the six Bath Secondary Schools bids were invited to provide additional pupil places supported by capital funding. Three options were considered deliverable and Oldfield School was one of these. This project was chosen as it will allow a permanent increase in pupil numbers (PAN) and will also address the accommodation suitability issues.

Publication date: 08/05/2024

Date of decision: 08/05/2024