Decision details

Concept Statements for redevelopment of MoD sites at Foxhill, Warminster Road and Ensleigh in Bath

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Endorsement of Concept Statements to guide redevelopment of MoD sites following public consultation as the first part of the Placemaking Plan


(1) To ENDORSE the amended Concept Statements for Development Control purposes and for incorporation into the Placemaking Plan Options; and

(2) To AGREE that an extra point be added to all three of the Concept Statements at the end of the Planning Obligations sections, to read: “Financial contribution towards provision of replacement employment provision to be allocated within the Bath area”.

[Note: Clause (2) above was the result of an amendment proposed by Councillor Cherry Beath and accepted by Councillors Tim Ball and Paul Crossley]

Reasons for the decision:

Preparation of Concept Statements will assist in setting out the Council’s development requirements and priorities clearly and at an early stage in the disposal of the MoD sites. This provides clarity for any prospective site purchasers, reduces their commercial risk and will assist in the redevelopment process.  The Concept Statements are key to ensuring high quality development that responds positively to community and corporate aspirations can be delivered in a timely fashion.  The Concept Statements are an early stage in the production of the Council’s Placemaking Plan, which will be adopted as a formal Development Plan Document.

Alternative options considered:

Adoption of a statutory Development Plan Document or Supplementary Document:

Whilst the Concept Statements represent the start of a statutory plan-making process, there is insufficient time available to complete the preparation of Statutory Planning Documents.

Preparation of a Masterplan/development brief:

There was insufficient time available to pursue more detailed work on the MoD sites over and above that provided by the Concept Statements.  Moreover Masterplan/development brief have limited planning weight unless prepared as an SPD.However, the Concept Statements importantly set the framework and the process for this work to be undertaken by developers working with the Council and the Community.

Do nothing:

This will result in lack of clear planning guidance and lack of clarity of corporate priorities.  This will be of detriment to the site disposal process, result in lack of clarity for developers and to guide the site disposal process and could inhibit the Council achieving its corporate objectives.

Report author: Simon De Beer

Publication date: 13/09/2012

Date of decision: 12/09/2012

Decided at meeting: 12/09/2012 - Cabinet

Effective from: 21/09/2012

Accompanying Documents: