Meeting documents

Bath City Liaison Forum
Tuesday, 21st October, 2008



Bath City Liaison Forum

Mission Statement

To contribute towards developing thriving, vibrant and sustainable communities in Bath where everyone fulfils their potential


  • To act as the focus for community engagement by public services with groups which perform a representational role for local residents in the City of Bath
  • To provide a link and representation to the Local Strategic Partnership on behalf of Bath's residents

Functions and Responsibilities

  • To build effective links and relationships across residents' groups with statutory, voluntary and community groups in Bath
  • To act as a `champion' for Bath residents
  • To ensure that groups representing local residents have the opportunity to engage with and shape the current services and future development of the City of Bath
  • To be the focus for longer-term thinking about the future of Bath
  • To ensure continued recognition for the Forum's work and its inclusion within appropriate strategies
  • To ensure the appropriate linkages are made with the Local Strategic Partnership
  • To measure the effectiveness of the Forum and communicate the results


  • The geographical scope is the City of Bath
  • Individual planning applications will not be within the scope of the Forum

Eligibility for membership

Bodies which fulfil all of the following criteria shall be eligible for membership:

1. Have within their scope a local area or place within Bath

2. Have a broad remit for the well-being of that local area

3. Are open to all residents within that local area on the basis of equal opportunities

4. Have appropriate governance arrangements in place, kept on record by Bath and North East Somerset Council

Any bodies/organisations may become Members of the Forum if they meet the above criteria

Ward Councillors are not Members of the Forum but are welcome to attend and contribute to the discussion

The following bodies are not within the scope of the Forum (other arrangements are in place for such engagement):

  • Bodies which represent communities of interest rather than locality
  • Groups representing traders and business groups
  • Groups which have a remit for a particular issue or group of issues, such as heritage and planning issues

Voting Rights and Substitutions

  • One representative from each eligible body shall be entitled to sit on the Forum and have one vote if required
  • Meetings shall be chaired by the Chairman of Council; the Vice-Chairman of Council shall chair meetings in the absence of the Chairman of Council
  • A representative of the eligible body will be allowed to act as a substitute for the named Member if they cannot attend a meeting

Meeting Arrangements

  • The Forum shall meet a minimum of once a year
  • The Forum may agree a programme of meetings of Task and Finish Groups to deal with specific issues, including matters of concern to Members either within a specific location or a particular service area. The Brief for these Groups will be set by the Forum.
  • Agendas and papers for meetings will be available a minimum of 5 days before a meeting. These will be despatched by e-mail where applicable.
  • The agenda shall be drawn up from items brought forward by the Federation of Bath Residents' Associations and Somer residents' groups (working with other groups as appropriate) and from proposals made by Council officers
  • Proceedings at each meeting will be minuted
  • Support for the Forum will be provided by Bath and North East Somerset Council
  • Every Member of the Forum shall be accorded the same degree of respect and consideration by all other Members
  • Business and discussion at Forum meetings shall be conducted through the Chair

Declarations of Interest

It will be the responsibility of individual Members and Councillors to declare, in advance, any direct or indirect interest in any matter which forms part of the business of the Forum

Alterations to Terms of Reference

Any alterations to the Terms of Reference of the Forum will require discussion at a Forum meeting and will require approval of two thirds of the voting Members present.

23rd October 2008